We are proud to announce our new funding grant: The Richard Rigg Award

The Richard Rigg Memorial Grant
Richard Rigg, our beloved former chairman, sadly passed away in March 2019 and left a hole in our charity. He was an enthusiastic founding member of the FMPCT who gave us so much of his time and experience over so many years. His desire to to see us develop was a joy to witness. We simply had to find a way to honour him, his beliefs and his faith in the FMPCT and the good it could promote were deeply founded. So in his honour we have decided to develop a new grant to work alongside our established project grants and name it in memory of our wonderful friend; The Richard Rigg Memorial Grant.
This grant will be issued once per year and will not be limited to the £500 value that our other grants are. It can be for any of our three main funding areas Ecological Conservation, Environmental Education or Archaeological projects (digs, education, scholarships and preservation).
If you believe you and your organisation are eligible for The Richard Rigg Memorial Grant, please get in touch using the application form on the website, in the box “Describe the Project/Grant Requirement” please label clearly that you are applying for this grant specifically.
The rest of our grant policy is applicable to the Richard Rigg Memorial Grant and we reserve the right to refuse application, if it does not meet the criteria within the grant policy.
We will publish on our website details of projects/works that the RRMG is supporting so you must also be willing to share updates of what the money is being used for and be happy for us to publicise our involvement in your project.
If you are unsuccessful in your RRMG application, but we feel able to support you for a lesser amount, we will communicate with you and possibly ask you to reapply. We also may advise you to reapply for the RRMG in the following year as the grant may have already been awarded that year already.
We are still receiving applications for our usual grants and proudly announce that we are now taking applications for the Richard Rigg Memorial Grant for 2021. Click here to apply
Thank You

The Francis and Maisie Pryor Charitable Trust
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